Upgrading from 2.2.* to 3.*
This article doesn’t really have much to say. Rather, it’s just providing a link
to a good resource.
The resources
Doug provides Upgrading FreeBSD Version 2.2.8-Stable to 3.2-Stable at http://home.san.rr.com/freebsd/make-upgrade.html.
At that site, you will find a copy of "Making the world" your own
by Nik Clayton. The original article is at http://www.nothing-going-on.demon.co.uk/FreeBSD/make-world/make-world.html
and it is the best resource on make world I have seen.
You will also want to know how to
Get and install the source and Selectively excluding part of the world
which is at http://home.san.rr.com/freebsd/doug-world.html.