FreeBSD Diary news feeds
This article tells you about the FreeBSD news feed. If you want to
know how to set up a new server, you want this article instead.
This article isn’t about news servers. It’s about short blurbs you see on web
pages which give a brief outline of recent additions to frequently updated websites.
You’ve probably seen these news feeds on websites such as FreshMeat, SlashDot,
and Daily Daemon News.
How you can get the Diary news feed
You can obtain the FreeBSD Diary news feed in several ways. Choose
your favourite method. |$1754 | Slash Dot <== preview <== include us on your home page |
You can also take a direct xml feed from news.php.
But if you browse there, you probably won’t see anything, so view the document
source once you get there.
Other news feeds
If you know of other news feeds which are not listed above, I will gladly
add them to the list. Or, you could add them to the comments using the link at the top of the