Changing the owner of your ports tree
This is a fairly advanced topic. I don’t mean it’s complicated.
It’s just that there is very little reason for anyone to want to do this.
wanted my ports tree to be maintained by something other than root. By default,
FreeBSD allows the ports tree to be written only by root. That’s mostly by
The chown commands
Here’s what I did:
cd /usr/ports chown -R dan:dan /usr/ports
I also changed the cron job (in /etc/crontab) to run as dan:
53 6 * * * daemon /usr/local/bin/cvsup -P m /usr/home/ports-supfile 2>&1 | mail -s "buff Ports cvsup"
Note: The above actually appears on one line and is split into multiple lines to make
it easier to read. In your crontab, it should appears all on one line. And remember
to use tabs, not spaces, especially in the "53 6 * * *" part. This job
runs at
The first time my ports cron job ran, I got this error:
Updater failed: Cannot create "/usr/sup/ports-all/#cvs.cvsup-80304.0": Permission denied
So I did this:
cd /usr chown -R dan:dan sup
Then I ran the cvsup job again and it ran just fine.