Quick CableNet Connections with FreeBSD

Quick CableNet Connections with FreeBSD

Leon Dang wrote this article.
Mike Meyer reviewed it for me. Thanks to both of them.

I am using CableNet access with Australian telco Optus –
which uses Excite@Home to handle their cable network. I don’t know
whether our network would be the same as that in the US, but I’m
writing this article to give you guys a starting point for your own
broadband connection.

My home network consists of a bunch of boxes NATed through a FreeBSD boxen.
The Optus network requires me to obtain an IP address through DHCP. I am not
allowed to run any servers, which is fine by me.

In this article, I’ll describe how you could configure DHCP, setup a
‘faking’ identd server, some ipfilter/ipnat sample configuration, and BIND
as the single name server for your internal network. I don’t like to write
too much and prefer consiceness, so you won’t be fed any background information – that’s
really up to the individual man pages and docs. All the necessary
applications are part of the FreeBSD distribution, and I’ll assume that you’ve
installed them on your box. I’ll also assume that only once you finished
configuring the box with these instructions do you reconnect it back to
the cable modem 🙂

DHCP setup

DHCP setup is fairly straight forward. You simply need dhclient(8) which is a
little application that triggers a shell script to do change the IP address of
the network interface. dhclient reads in /etc/dhclient.conf for its
configuration. Mine basically looks like:

#       See ``man 5 dhclient.conf'' for details.
interface "ext0" {
        send host-name "MYHOSTNAME";
        supersede domain-name "MYDOMAIN.box xxx.optushome.com.au";
        prepend domain-name-servers;
        request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
                domain-name, domain-name-servers;
        require subnet-mask;
        media "media autoselect";

The values that you will need to change are:

  1. ext0 to be the name of the network interface that you are using.
  2. MYHOSTNAME to be the name of your machine as provided by the ISP.
    For Optus users, this is CAxxxxxxx. If your ISP configures a Windows
    machine, simply go to Control Panel ->Networking and look at the second tab.

  3. MYDOMAIN.box to be whatever your internal network domain name to be.
  4. xxx.optushome.com.au is my ISP provided domain name for the box.
    You might note that MYDOMAIN.box and xxx.optushome.com.au are used as
    domain suffixes to any address you lookup. They’re basically search order
    in /etc/resolv.conf

  5. to the IP address of the box you are configuring. You can
    remove this line if you won’t be running a name server internally.

My crummy de0 network card seems to hang if it doesn’t get flushed for some
reason, but when I reinitialize it with dhclient, things become fine. So I run
a shell script that forces dhclient to obtain a new address every day.
It’s also kinda useful when you want to tell the modem that the gateway’s alive,
with the added precaution that you might get an IP address change from the ISP
(dhclient should obtain it’s lease life-time and know when to renew the IP
address through negotiation with the ISP. If you want to check for yourself,
view /var/db/dhclient.leases).

I set the shell script to run at 3 am, at which point I’ll probably be dead asleep anyways so my
machine would be inactive. To do this, I create a dhclient.sh script:

# dhclient.sh
killall dhclient
sleep 1

(save dhclient.sh in /root and chmod u+x dhclient.sh).
I then place an entry in /etc/crontab for dhclient.sh:

# crontab entry for dhclient - reset DHCP every day
0   3   *   *   *   root   /root/dhclient.sh

That’s all there is to DHCP!

Creating a fake identd server

I don’t use IRC a lot, but every now and then I do and a number of servers
I connect to require ident approval. Now providing a real identity to the world
is a not particularly a good idea, especially with the amount of visibility to
get from IRC. That’s why I have one that produces fake idents.

[Mike mentions that using the -g flag on inetd accomplishes the same thing:

-g      Instead of returning the user's name to the ident requester, re-
        port a username made up of random alphanumeric characters, e.g.
        ``c0c993''.  The -g flag overrides not only the user names, but
        also any .fakeid or .noident files.


I like C and it’s my primary language, so I’ll give you the source code in
C also. Basically, I ripped a couple of functions from the identd distribution
(by Peter Eriksson <pen@lysator.liu.se>) –
so I’d like to give him the credits
for the source. I basically plugged in a randomizer, and here is:

 * Random identd generator. Runs under inetd.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include <syslog.h>

#define USE_TIME_SEED 0
#define IO_TIMEOUT    30

extern int errno;

 * Returns 0 on timeout, -1 on error, #bytes read on success.
ssize_t timed_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t siz, time_t timeout)
        int error, tot = 0, i, r;
        char *p = buf;
        fd_set readfds;
        struct timeval tv, start, after, duration, tmp;

        tv.tv_sec = timeout;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;

        while (1) {
                FD_SET(fd, &readfds);

                gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
                if ((error = select(fd + 1, &readfds, 0, 0, &tv)) <= 0)
                        return error;
                r = read(fd, p, siz - tot);
                if (r == -1 || r == 0)
                        return (r);
                for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
                        if (p[i] == '\r' || p[i] == '\n') {
                                tot += r;
                                return (tot);
                gettimeofday(&after, NULL);
                timersub(&start, &after, &duration);
                timersub(&tv, &duration, &tmp);
                tv = tmp;
                if (tv.tv_sec < 0 || !timerisset(&tv))
                        return (tot);
                tot += r;
                p += r;

 * Returns 0 on timeout, -1 on error, #bytes read on success.
ssize_t timed_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t siz, time_t timeout)
        int error;
        fd_set writeds;
        struct timeval tv;

        FD_SET(fd, &writeds);

        tv.tv_sec = timeout;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;

        if ((error = select(fd + 1, 0, &writeds, 0, &tv)) <= 0)
                return error;
        return(write(fd, buf, siz));

int main()
	int i;
	char c;
	static char buf[4096];
	static char buf2[4096];
	static char randstr[12];
	struct sockaddr_in sin;
	struct timeval tv;
	int len;
	int sock;

	len = sizeof(sin);
	sock = accept(0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, &len);
	if (sock < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "accept failed: %s", strerror(errno));
		perror("identd: accept()");
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "connection from: %s", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));

	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	if ((i = timed_read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, IO_TIMEOUT)) <= 0) {
		perror("identd: read()");
		i = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d, %d : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n",
		             0, 0);
		timed_write(sock, buf, i, IO_TIMEOUT);
		return 0;
	buf[i] = '\0';
	for (i = 0; buf[i]; ++i) {
		if (buf[i] == '\r' || buf [i] == '\n') {
			buf[i] = '\0';

	 * Base the seed on the request just in case we are asked
	 * for the same details... (be cheeky)
	i = 0;
	for (c = 0; c < 30; c++) {
		i ^= buf; /* Perform XORs... */
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		randstr[i] = (rand() % 26) + 'a';
	for (; i < 7; i++) {
		randstr[i] = (rand() % 10) + '0';
	randstr[i] = '\0';
	i = snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s : USERID : UNIX : %s\r\n",
	             buf, randstr);
	timed_write(sock, buf2, i, IO_TIMEOUT);
	return 0;

Compile the code and place the executable into /usr/local/sbin:

$ cc identd.c -o identd
$ cp ident /usr/local/sbin

Modify /etc/inetd.conf with an entry for the identd server. This will
cause inetd(8) to run identd whenever there is a connection to the ident port

# inetd.conf entry for identd
identd    stream    tcp    wait    root   /usr/local/sbin/identd    identd

Send a SIGHUP signal to inetd to tell it to reread the configuration file:

$ killall -SIGHUP inetd

Okay, we’re done with identd, lets move on…

Setting up a local name server

The reason I set up a local name server is that run a local network and
prefer to know things by name than IP addresses. It also helps with the Winblows
environment that my family is using. I basically setup BIND to handle all local
name requests and forward any others to my ISP’s name server.

Depending on how you set up BIND, you may have configuration files located
in various places. My default configuration is located in /etc/namedb/named.conf.
I place all other BIND stuff in /var/named. Below is the /etc/namedb/named.conf
configuration file that I use:

[Mike noted that he has had bad luck with forwarders. He doesn’t use that clause at all.]

# BIND Configuration File (/etc/namedb/named.conf)

acl "internal" {
   {; };

options {
   directory "/var/named";
   dump-file "/var/named/named_dump.db";
   datasize 2m;
   statistics-file "/var/named/named.stats";
   allow-query { internal; };
   listen-on {;; };

   # forwarders used to send non-localnet dns queries to ISP's dns server
   # Change these values to whatever your ISP's DNS servers are.
   forwarders {;;


zone "mydomain.box" in {
   type master;
   file "db.mydomain";

zone "168.192.in-addr.arpa" in {
   type master;
   file "db.192.168";

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
   type master;
   file "localhost.rev";

zone "." in {
   type hint;
   file "db.cache";

[Note from Dan: I’ve often

The “internal” acl is for my local network only, since I don’t want anyone else
to browse my DNS. You can change the network mask to whatever
your’s is.

The options section is for global BIND options. Most the the fields are
obvious. datasize sets the process data size for BIND (you can remove this
line if you want).

The important section to note is forwarders. This basically tells bind to send
non-local requests to the ISP’s name servers. Change them to what your ISP
has provide to you.

I use the forwarders since I don’t want to query root name servers as it can
get pretty slow. The remaining zone sections are configurations for local
names and root db.cache. The configuration files for each (as specified by the file keyword)
are stored in /var/named

To generate the localhost.rev file, do the following:

$ cd /etc/namedb
$ sh make-localhost
$ cp localhost.rev /var/named

My reverse name lookup /var/named/db.192.168 file looks like this:

$TTL 604800
168.192.in-addr.arpa. IN SOA gateway.mydomain.box. root.mydomain.box. (
        200103021       ; serial
        10800   ; refresh after 3 hours
        3600    ; retry after 1 hour
        604800  ; expire after 1 week
        86400 ) ; minim ttl of 1 day

;Name servers
168.192.in-addr.arpa.       IN NS    gateway.mydomain.box.

;Reverse name lookups   IN PTR   gateway.mydomain.box.   IN PTR   boxer.mydomain.box.

Note that the IP addresses are placed in reverse order and that all IP names
contain a ‘.’ at the end of them. I won’t go into the details, but just
remember to place them there otherwise you’ll be scratching your head wondering
what was going on.

Next, /var/named/db.mydomain, which contains forward lookup entries
for my localnet:

$TTL 604800
@ 864000 IN SOA gateway.mydomain.box. root.mydomain.box. (
        200103021       ; serial
        10800   ; refresh after 3 hours
        3600    ; retry after 1 hour
        604800  ; expire after 1 week
        86400 ) ; minimum ttl of 1 day

@       IN A
@       IN NS gateway.mydomain.box.

mydomain.box.            IN NS  gateway.mydomain.box.
; Name to address mappings
localhost.mydomain.box.  IN A
; gateway
gateway.mydomain.box.    IN A
; all other entries
boxer.mydomain.box.      IN A
; Aliases - just an example
;gateway2.mydomain.box.  IN CNAME gateway.mydomain.box.

Once you’ve created these files, you can start named and perform
a name lookup. To start named every time your system starts up,
edit /etc/rc.conf and place an entry for named_enable="YES"

For testing, I modified the /etc/resolv.conf with:

# Contents of /etc/resolv.conf
search mydomain.box

To check that your name server works, use nslookup:

$ named
$ nslookup boxer

BIND should then give you the appropriate IP response. If you don’t get
a response, the most likely culprit would be an invalid named configuration.
Check that named starts up ok; it should produce a log file during startup
so skim that file for details.

If everything is A-OK, then you’re off to a good start. We now move on
to securing the box before connecting it to the cable modem.

Securing your box with IPFilter

ipfilter (ipf(8)) is a great firewalling tool.
If incorrectly setup it does some weird
things to you. After using it for over a year, I still am trying to get the hang
of things because every now and then I see a new problem popping up from prior

I’m going to give a preliminary configuration sample that you can expand on.
Please refer to the ipfilter documentation and how-to’s for extra information that
I cannot provide myself in this article. I must say that the rules I provide
here cannot be proven to be totally correct as there are so many possible
variations around, it’s to be considered a starting point only.

I once used ipfw(8) for diallup. It was great for that purpose, however I
haven’t touched it for a very long time and have moved on to using ipfilter
instead. For those who desire to use ipfw, simply ignore this section – I
reckon you would know what you’re doing with ipfw 🙂

Ok, to use ipfilter, you might need to recompile the kernel. You can actually
use ipfilter in conjunction with ipfw – which is weird since there’ll be
extra bottlenecks and I don’t recommend you doing so.

The kernel configuration entries that you’ll need are (not sure
if you actually need IPDIVERT… I’m doing this off the top of my head almost):

options IPFILTER
options IPDIVERT

You can remove options IPFIREWALL if you want. After configuring the kernel,
compile it and install it.

Edit /etc/rc.conf and add the following lines:


The following is a sample of my ipfilter rules file /etc/ipf.rules:

# ipf.rules

### NOTE: in0 is internal network interface, ext0 is connected to cable modem.
###       Change the to the appropriate interface names

# Allow localhost full access
pass  in  quick on lo0 all
pass  out quick on lo0 all

# Allow everything on our localnet
pass in  quick on in0 all
pass out quick on in0 all

# Block access from Internet, but we can access the Internet from here
block in log on ext0 all

# Pass all outgoing traffic
pass out quick on ext0 proto tcp  all flags S/SA keep frags keep state
pass out quick on ext0 proto udp  all keep state
pass out quick on ext0 proto icmp all keep state

# Control what comes in from the Internet

# Nicely return error messages to those inaccessible ports.
block return-rst in log on ext0 proto tcp all flags S/SA

# Return errors for icmp and udp
block return-icmp-as-dest(port-unr) in log on ext0 proto udp all
block return-icmp-as-dest(port-unr) in log on ext0 proto icmp all

# Pass incoming DHCP messages
# (!!! change to the cable modem's IP address. You can
#      get it's IP address by doing a tcpdump or ipmon on ext0
#      and look for entries that contain tcp/udp port 67)
pass in log quick on ext0 proto udp from port = 67 to any port = 68 keep state

# Block 'fake' addresses
block in quick on ext0 from to any
block in quick on ext0 from  to any
block in quick on ext0 from     to any
block in quick on ext0 from    to any

# Enable identd server access (for IRC). (run a fake identd server if enabled)
pass in log quick on ext0 proto tcp all port = 113 flags S/SA keep state

# Allow only a subset of ICMP requests
# icmp echo reply
pass in quick on ext0 proto icmp all icmp-type 0

# destination unreachable
pass in quick on ext0 proto icmp all icmp-type 3

# source quench
pass in quick on ext0 proto icmp all icmp-type 4

# redirect message
pass in quick on ext0 proto icmp all icmp-type 5

# icmp echo request
pass in quick on ext0 proto icmp all icmp-type 8

# time exceeded
pass in quick on ext0 proto icmp all icmp-type 11

# bad header
pass in quick on ext0 proto icmp all icmp-type 12

# block all other icmp's
block in log quick on ext0 proto icmp all

# > ipf automatically blocks here
# end of ipf.rules

You might like to remove some ICMP types from above to protect your network further.

Now for your localnet to access the Internet, edit the file /etc/ipnat.rules:

# ipnat rules
# !!! change ext0 to whatever your external interface (connecting to the
#     cable modem) is

map ext0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp 1025:65000
map ext0 -> 0/32

I’ve found that ipnat doesn’t clear it’s list until a connection is disconnected
or a timeout occurs. Sometimes, however, ipnat can have really long lists. What
I basically do is force ipnat to flush it’s list every 12 hours, which can be bad
if I was in the stage of downloading something that cannot be recovered (ftp/http continue).
To do this, I add an entry to /etc/crontab (though you might like to flush it
manually if you want):

# crontab: Flush NAT tables every 12 hours
0       */12    *       *       *       root    /sbin/ipnat -F

Once all this is setup, you can plug your box to the cable modem and reboot.
You should now have a fully working localnet gateway to the Internet.

As a sidenote, you might like to change your ipfilter timeouts.
You can get their current values by doing:

$ sysctl net | grep ipf

And to change the values, do:

$ sysctl -w variable=n

where variable is the sysctl variable, and n is the value to assign.


Below is a script that does network accounting for you. It basically
sums up the total number of bytes received from the cable modem for the period
since it last ran for.

# systats.sh - grab the number of bytes received on the external adapter

PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin; export PATH

# change these two parameters to whatever you have

# MAX_UINT taken from printf "%u\n" 0xffffffff in /usr/include/machine/limits.h

OUT_BYTES=`netstat -b -I ${NETSTAT_IF} | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{ print $7; }'`


if [ -f ${STAT_FILE} ]; then
        LAST_OBYTES=`tail -1 ${STAT_FILE} | awk '{ print $2; }'`

TOTAL_OBYTES=`echo "printf(\"%u\n\", ${OUT_BYTES} - ${LAST_OBYTES})" | perl`

LAST_GT_OBYTES=`echo "printf(\"%d\n\", ${LAST_OBYTES} > ${OUT_BYTES})" | perl`
if [ ${LAST_GT_OBYTES} != 0  ]
        # Last obytes is greater than current, the system must
        # have rotated the byte counter
        BYTES_TO_MAX=`echo "printf(\"%u\n\", {MAX_UINT} - ${LAST_OBYTES})" |perl`
        TOTAL_OBYTES=`echo "printf(\"%u\n\", ${BYTES_TO_MAX} + ${OUT_BYTES})" | perl`

echo `date '+%C%y/%m/%d:%H:%M'`' '${OUT_BYTES}' '${TOTAL_OBYTES} >> ${STAT_FILE}

The script outputs three columns: time, current netstat counter, and the total
number of bytes since the last time the script was run. I use the script to monitor
my network usage by including it in /etc/crontab to be run every mid-night
. I hope that it’ll be useful to you also.

So far I’ve produced pretty raw material. I was under an assumption that
you have good knowledge of Unix before you delved into the material. I hope
that this stuff is useful to you and please do make corrections if you find
that I did something wrong or could improve upon.

Before I leave you alone, I have found that the ipfilter rules that I’ve provided
you with seems to have a problem in that it sometimes blocks ACKs+someother flagged packets
(run ipmon to see which packets are blocked and you’ll know what I’m talking about).
If you know how to correct the rules so that this doesn’t happen, I’ll be glad to know.

– Leon

24 thoughts on “Quick CableNet Connections with FreeBSD”

  1. Possibly because I am not running an internal name server, the only thing my systems needed was ifconfig_fxp1="DHCP" in /etc/rc.conf.

    One system is running named but is not serving up anything but cached replies.

    1. Setting up a DHCP server isn’t too hard, either. There are a number of texts floating around on how to do this. In the end, you could have FreeBSD connecting to the Internet via DHCP and also dynamically assigning addresses, hostnames, DNS servers, and the gateway address to all the computers on the inside of the NAT via DHCP – great for mobile users!

    2. not that hard? well, it is for me. but then i am quite new to the FreeBSD (or any minux based) OS. heck, i just found FreeBSD’s autoexec.bat :).

      with that noted, the information provided was wonderful. albiet, i still have a lot more researching and reading to go and a lot more to figgure out to get stuff working…

      on another note, the above posted link to the Cable-modem-how-to returned as a dead server. google found and pointed to the same dead link but happily had the page cached.

      thanks for the info.

    3. Hello all ,

      I just set up a FreeBSD box to access Optus Cable , The modem is a Motorola SB 4101 .
      it took me a while reading this article and i was getting no where , till i rang the telco and i asked them a non OS question ( i knew they wouldn’t like to talk to me if i told them what OS i was using) they told me if i wanted to change the PC it was connected to all i have to do is unplug the the power from the modem for 20 sec , change the ethernet cable to the new PC and turn the modem back on. The telco told me that the modem learns the first MAC address that it sees .

      now u can do the rest

      dhcp on the ethernet card attached to the cable modem in rc.conf ,
      blah blah ….

      Joel Cornale

    4. My ISP is Rogers. Their service is MAC based not hostname based. However, if you want to connect a second machine, the first machine has to release the ip address. Otherwise you have to call support and they have to clear the lease on their server.
      This is where I’m having problems.

      Does Freebsd provide a way to release a dhcp address?

      Any help is greatly appreciated.

    1. There are lots of <A HREF="/topics.php#ipfilter">articles on ipf</A>. I prefer it over ipfw. It’s multi-platform, not just FreeBSD. I find it easier to configure than ipfw. I also like the way the NAT is quite separate from the filtering.

      If you like ipfw, there is no reason for you to change to ipf.

  2. hey man
    what an article
    i cant get the ICMP rules in the ipf set up
    can u talk a little bit more about
    # Return errors for icmp and udp
    block return-icmp-as-dest(port-unr) in log on ext0 proto udp all
    block return-icmp-as-dest(port-unr) in log on ext0 proto icmp all
    what does that?
    great article however

    1. I didn’t write the article, but you asked a very general question. It helps us to help you if you are even just a bit specific.

      I’m going to guess that you are asking about the return-icmp-as-dest(port-unr) bit. And I’m going to guess myself what that means. I’ve not looked it up. I’ll leave that for you to do. I’m sure a google.com search will find the answer. Instead of just dropping the packets on the ground, ipf will return port unreachable to the sending IP address.

    2. Thanks Dan for answering this for me.


      It’s a mechanism to tell automated worm scripts to butt-out and stop scanning those ports, since *they don’t exist* to the internet.

      As for your ICMP problems, if you state exactly what errors you’re getting, then it’ll help a lot. Also, the guys on freebsd usenet are very helpful if you don’t get an answer here straight away. My only conclusion is that you might have copied and pasted the rules incorrectly…


  3. I noticed that my cable modem has automatically switched to a new IP address (note that this is not the gateway box’s address which remains the same throughout my connection contract so far). This is a remotely administrable cable-modem (Cornerstone CM200) that the ISP can configure settings at their site. I found that the cable-modem remains on the same subnet, fortunately, so a simple change of the IPF rules is necessary.

    If your provider changes the modem IP (if you notice that you are blocking new DHCP configure requests – UDP/67->UDP/68), then you might also have to change the rule a bit. It’s straight-forward. Basically, instead of having the IP address of the cable-modem be, I’ve changed it to be (Yes a /16 because I noticed this significant change in the modem’s IP address). So the rule looks like:

    pass in log quick on ext0 proto udp from \
    port = 67 to any port = 68 keep state


  4. Very nice article, but the IPF rules (no offence intended, please) need fixing.

    You have some rules that aren’t needed at all ie, lo0 (unless you had default_deny in kernel) which IMHO in this case (seems you don’t) wastes space, processing time, and searching through the rules. Especially for LPC communication.

    You’re ICMP rules, you have a couple in there that either you don’t need (but you’re ISP’s router would) and/or, redirect_icmp, I wouldn’t recommend allowing that in/out. Makes it a lot easier in redirect/hijacking your connection. Matter of back, I would block some of the others too and allow only a certain subset out, with ‘keep state’.

    You should also block certain things out… It’s not possible or feasable to block out all, but ‘certain’ ports is a definate block out. I can’t really get into that in here.

    Other than those, the rules are great but again you can sure so well find tune it more with ‘rule groups’ in a much better way than you can with IPFW.

    Personally, I recommend either a transparent ethernet bridge with OpenBSD + IPFilter (ipless, 99.9999% uncompromisable), and/or a FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD NAT Router in *behind* that.
    FreeBSD alone as a NAT Router/Firewall is much easier to crack into, open the firewall, then gain 100% access to all ports so to speak.

    If you guys want, I can write up a small how-to, but applies more to my setup with Cable/DSL & OpenBSD. Still, I have FreeBSD/NetBSD in there mind you but always behind the OpenBSD box in which is transparent to everyone with more than just Layer 3 filtering.


    1. Sure. Write something up. There’s a pointer to the html template on the home page. I can give you FTP access to a development box if you want to test the php.

    2. Damn, look at all my typo’s…

      I’ll look for that template, but the only problem is finding the time to write something up, and that it might apply more so to OpenBSD than FreeBSD but might strike up some new ideas for people.

      I know in FreeBSD you can’t do transparent bridging with IPF, but AFAIK (never done it myself yet) you can with IPFW somehow.
      The OpenBSD has modified things so that IPF filters ‘bridged’ packets/frames and a lot more!

      Being transparent, no IP address(es), and preferably just console or serial access only would be just as secure as the OpenBSD box in a sense or two doing the same thing.

      As of OpenBSD 2.9-current and above, IPF is no longer included in the default install, although it still is and will be available to install/setup after market – just hopefully stays like that.

      OpenBSD is now working on a work-alike backwards compatible & native OpenBSD version called ‘PF’. That so far doesn’t support the bridging yet and might not even be as secure as IPF seeing as it’s still new.


      — *BSD, it’s not about ‘money’ —

      Microsoft: Where do you want to go today?
      Linux: Where do you want to go tomorrow?
      FreeBSD: Hey, you guys coming or what!?
      OpenBSD: Hey, you guys left some holes out there!
      NetBSD: What’s this!? A CPU not running our OS!?

    1. YEAH! This article saved my butt. I knew DHCP was
      pretty easy, but this was cake. There’s an article on
      FreeBSD Diary about this with an IPFW firewall which
      I have and now I’m rockin’ out. Nice touch with the
      identd randomizer!

  5. Hello all ,

    I just set up a FreeBSD box to access Optus Cable , The modem is a Motorola SB 4101 .
    it took me a while reading this article and i was getting no where , till i rang the telco and i asked them a non OS question ( i knew they wouldn’t like to talk to me if i told them what OS i was using) they told me if i wanted to change the PC it was connected to all i have to do is unplug the the power from the modem for 20 sec , change the ethernet cable to the new PC and turn the modem back on. The telco told me that the modem learns the first MAC address that it sees .

    now u can do the rest

    dhcp on the ethernet card attached to the cable modem in rc.conf ,
    blah blah ….

    Joel Cornale

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